Part Numbers |
Cable Type
& Description |
Cable Category |
800044 |
Bus Cable |
800067 |
Industrial Ethernet - 100T S-FTP TORDIERFLEX |
Bus Cable |
800068 |
Industrial Ethernet - 200IND S-FTP MEGAFLEX |
Bus Cable |
800086 |
LAN Cable - 900 S-STP |
Copper Data Cable |
800087 |
LAN Cable - 900 S-STP duplex |
Copper Data Cable |
800088 |
Industrial Ethernet - 200S S-FTP 4-Conductor
Track Cable |
Bus Cable |
800109 |
Bus Cable - PROFIBUS L2 Torsion + Festoon |
Bus Cable |
800126 |
Optic Cable Industry AT-VYY (according
to DIN VDE 0888) |
Fiber Optic Cable |
800171 - 800198 |
HF-Radiating Cable HF HDPE |
Copper Data Cable |
800201 - 800213 |
HF-Radiating Cable HF FLEX |
Copper Data Cable |
800227 - 800254 |
HF-Radiating Cable HF FRNC |
Copper Data Cable |
800497 |
Bus Cable - CC-Link BUS |
Bus Cable |
800571 |
Bus Cable - CAN Bus |
Bus Cable |
800579 |
Optic Cable Industry HCS I-VH, I-VHH (according to DIN VDE 0888) |
Fiber Optic Cable |
800647 |
LAN Cable - 1200 S-STP |
Copper Data Cable |
800648 |
Bus Cable - PROFIBUS L2 7-wire |
Bus Cable |
800649 |
Bus Cable - PROFIBUS L2 Torsion + Festoon |
Bus Cable |
800650 |
Bus Cable - PROFIBUS PA Long Distance |
Bus Cable |
800651 - 800652 |
Bus Cable - SafetyBUS FRNC + PUR |
Bus Cable |
800653 |
Ethernet - PROFInet Type A, Standard & Robust (Fixed Installation,
Indoors) |
Bus Cable |
800654 - 800655 |
Ethernet - PROFInet Type B + C (Mobile use + Track Cable Applications) |
Bus Cable |
800680 |
Bus Cable - PROFIBUS L2 UL FT4 |
Bus Cable |
800681 - 800682 |
Bus Cable - DeviceNet™ FRNC |
Bus Cable |
800683 - 800684 |
Bus Cable - DeviceNet™ PVC |
Bus Cable |
800685 |
Bus Cable - CAN Bus |
Bus Cable |
800708 - 800710 |
Optic Outdoor Cable A-DF(ZN)2Y(SR)2Y (according to ARCOR Standard) |
Fiber Optic Cable |
800715 |
Bus Cable - PROFIBUS PA Long Distance |
Bus Cable |
800753 |
Optic Outdoor Hybrid Cable A-DSF(L)(ZN)2Y,
with telecommunications conductor (according
to DIN VDE 0888) |
Fiber Optic Cable |
800980 |
Optic Breakout Cable Industry HCS I-V(ZN)Y11Y (according to DIN VDE 0888) |
Fiber Optic Cable |