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European Control Cable: JZ-500

Flexible, Number Coded, VDE Reg. No. 7032

Sealcon, Inc, European wires and cables

European   - JZ-500, Number coded, flexible, VDE
AWG Selection
4 4 2 2 1 1 2/0 2/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 4/0 300 kcmil 300 350 350
Description & No. Conductors x cross-sec. mm2 Outer
Copper weight
ca. kg/km
10001 JZ-500 2X0.5  4.9 9.6 40.0 20
10002 JZ-500 3G0.5 5.2 14.4 46.0 20
10003 JZ-500 3X0.5 5.2 14.4 46.0 20
10004 JZ-500 4G0.5 5.6 19.0 56.0 20
10005 JZ-500 4X0.5 5.6 19.0 56.0 20
10006 JZ-500 5G0.5 6.3 24.0 65.0 20
10007 JZ-500 5X0.5 6.3 24.0 65.0 20
10008 JZ-500 6G0.5 6.9 29.0 75.0 20
10009 JZ-500 7G0.5 6.9 33.6 80.0 20
10010 JZ-500 7X0.5 6.9 33.6 80.0 20
10011 JZ-500 8G0.5 7.4 38.0 97.0 20
10172 JZ-500 8X0.5 7.4 38.0 97.0 20
10012 JZ-500 10G0.5 8.3 48.0 116.0 20
10013 JZ-500 12G0.5 8.8 58.0 135.0 20
10014 JZ-500 12X0.5 8.8 58.0 135.0 20
10015 JZ-500 14G0.5 9.7 67.0 150.0 20
10183 JZ-500 16G0.5 10.2 76.0 175.0 20
10016 JZ-500 18G0.5 11.0 86.0 196.0 20
10017 JZ-500 20G0.5 11.5 96.0 215.0 20
10018 JZ-500 21G0.5 11.5 101.0 240.0 20
10019 JZ-500 25G0.5 12.9 120.0 270.0 20
10020 JZ-500 30G0.5 13.8 144.0 310.0 20
10021 JZ-500 32G0.5 14.3 154.0 323.0 20
10022 JZ-500 34G0.5 15.6 163.0 362.0 20
10023 JZ-500 40G0.5 16.3 192.0 434.0 20
10024 JZ-500 42G0.5 16.1 202.0 449.0 20
10025 JZ-500 50G0.5 17.9 240.0 513.0 20
10169 JZ-500 52G0.5 17.9 252.0 534.0 20
10026 JZ-500 61G0.5 19.0 293.0 625.0 20
10027 JZ-500 65G0.5 19.7 312.0 682.0 20
10028 JZ-500 80G0.5 21.8 384.0 780.0 20
10029 JZ-500 100G0.5 24.3 480.0 980.0 20
10030 JZ-500 2X0.75  5.3 14.4 46.0 19
10031 JZ-500 3G0.75 5.6 21.6 54.0 19
10032 JZ-500 3X0.75 5.6 21.6 54.0 19
10033 JZ-500 4G0.75 6.3 28.8 66.0 19
10034 JZ-5004X0.75 6.3 29.0 66.0 19
10035 JZ-500 5G0.75 6.9 36.0 80.0 19
10036 JZ-500 5X0.75 6.9 36.0 80.0 19
10037 JZ-500 6G0.75 7.5 43.0 99.0 19
10177 JZ-500 6X0.75 7.5 43.0 99.0 19
10038 JZ-500 7G0.75 7.5 50.0 110.0 19
10039 JZ-500 7X0.75 7.5 50.0 110.0 19
10040 JZ-500 8G0.75 8.2 58.0 130.0 19
10173 JZ-500 8X0.75 8.2 58.0 130.0 19
10041 JZ-500 9G0.75 8.8 65.0 153.0 19
10042 JZ-500 10X0.75 9.2 72.0 162.0 19
10043 JZ-500 12G0.75 9.8 86.0 179.0 19
10044 JZ-500 12X0.75 9.8 86.0 179.0 19
10045 JZ-500 14G0.75 10.6 101.0 214.0 19
10046 JZ-500 15G0.75 11.4 108.0 218.0 19
10047 JZ-500 18G0.75 12.2 130.0 257.0 19
10533 JZ-500 19G0.75 12.7 137.0 264.0 19
10048 JZ-500 20G0.75 12.7 144.0 286.0 19
10049 JZ-500 21G0.75 12.7 151.0 320.0 19
10050 JZ-500 25G0.75 14.3 180.0 365.0 19
10534 JZ-500 27G0.75 15.2 195.0 382.0 19
10051 JZ-500 32G0.75 15.9 230.0 455.0 19
10052 JZ-500 34G0.75 16.7 245.0 510.0 19
10182 JZ-500 37G0.75 17.2 266.0 537.0 19
10053 JZ-500 40G0.75 17.2 288.0 595.0 19
10054 JZ-500 41G0.75 18.0 296.0 607.0 19
10055 JZ-500 42G0.75 18.0 302.0 612.0 19
10056 JZ-500 50G0.75 19.8 360.0 735.0 19
10057 JZ-500 61G0.75 21.2 439.0 845.0 19
10178 JZ-500 65G0.75 21.7 468.0 895.0 19
10058 JZ-500 80G0.75 24.3 576.0 1070.0 19
10059 JZ-500 100G0.75 27.0 720.0 1322.0 19
10060 JZ-500 2x1  5.6 19.2 60.0 18
10061 JZ-500 3G1 5.9 29.0 72.0 18
10062 JZ-500 3x1 5.9 29.0 72.0 18
10063 JZ-500 4G1 6.6 38.4 86.0 18
10064 JZ-500 4x1 6.6 38.4 86.0 18
10065 JZ-500 5G1 7.3 48.0 104.0 18
10066 JZ-500 5x1 7.3 48.0 104.0 18
10067 JZ-500 6G1 8.1 58.0 125.0 18
10068 JZ-500 7G1 8.1 67.0 141.0 18
10069 JZ-500 7x1 8.1 67.0 141.0 18
10070 JZ-500 8G1 9.6 77.0 175.0 18
10071 JZ-500 9G1 9.8 86.0 200.0 18
10180 JZ-500 10G1 9.8 96.0 217.0 18
10170 JZ-500 10x1 9.8 96.0 217.0 18
10072 JZ-500 12G1 10.4 115.0 230.0 18
10073 JZ-500 12x1 10.4 115.0 230.0 18
10074 JZ-500 14G1 11.4 134.0 271.0 18
10075 JZ-500 16G1 12.3 154.0 300.0 18
10076 JZ-500 18G1 12.9 173.0 343.0 18
10174 JZ-500 18X1 12.9 173.0 343.0 18
10197 JZ-500 19G1 13.0 182.0 355.0 18
10077 JZ-500 20G1 13.7 192.0 375.0 18
10184 JZ-500 20x1 13.7 192.0 375.0 18
10179 JZ-500 21G1 13.7 205.0 420.0 18
10175 JZ-500 24G1 14.7 230.0 440.0 18
10078 JZ-500 25G1 15.4 240.0 485.0 18
10176 JZ-500 25x1 15.4 240.0 485.0 18
10196 JZ-500 26G1 15.6 252.0 500.0 18
10198 JZ-500 27G1 15.8 259.0 534.0 18
10168 JZ-500 30x1 16.4 308.0 550.0 18
10079 JZ-500 34G1 17.9 326.0 650.0 18
10080 JZ-500 36G1 17.9 346.0 668.0 18
10199 JZ-500 37G1 18.4 355.0 701.0 18
10081 JZ-500 40G1 18.5 384.0 755.0 18
10167 JZ-500 40x1 18.5 384.0 755.0 18
10082 JZ-500 41G1 19.4 394.0 770.0 18
10083 JZ-500 42G1 19.4 403.0 810.0 18
10084 JZ-500 50G1 21.2 480.0 936.0 18
10085 JZ-500 56G1 22.9 538.0 920.0 18
10086 JZ-500 61G1 22.5 586.0 1100.0 18
10087 JZ-500 65G1 23.5 628.0 1180.0 18
10088 JZ-500 80G1 26.0 786.0 1294.0 18
10089 JZ-500 100G1 29.2 960.0 1644.0 18
10090 JZ-500 2x1.5  6.4 29.0 70.0 16
10091 JZ-500 3G1.5 6.8 43.0 90.0 16
10092 JZ-500 3x1.5 6.8 43.0 90.0 16
10093 JZ-500 4G1.5 7.4 58.0 109.0 16
10094 JZ-500 4x1.5 7.4 58.0 109.0 16
10095 JZ-500 5G1.5 8.3 72.0 131.0 16
10096 JZ-500 5x1.5 8.3 72.0 131.0 16
10097 JZ-500 6G1.5 9.2 86.0 157.0 16
10098 JZ-500 7G1.5 9.2 101.0 184.0 16
10099 JZ-500 7x1.5 9.2 101.0 184.0 16
10100 JZ-500 8G1.5 9.9 115.0 216.0 16
10101 JZ-500 9G1.5 10.9 129.0 259.0 16
10181 JZ-500 10G1.5 10.9 144.0 275.0 16
10102 JZ-500 11G1.5 12.0 158.0 300.0 16
10103 JZ-500 12G1.5 12.0 173.0 309.0 16
10104 JZ-500 12x1.5 12.0 173.0 309.0 16
10105 JZ-500 14G1.5 13.0 202.0 345.0 16
10106 JZ-500 16G1.5 13.9 230.0 386.0 16
10107 JZ-500 18G1.5 14.6 259.0 440.0 16
10185 JZ-500 19G1.5 15.2 279.0 445.0 16
10108 JZ-500 20G1.5 15.5 288.0 490.0 16
10109 JZ-500 21G1.5 15.5 302.0 555.0 16
10110 JZ-500 25G1.5 17.4 360.0 620.0 16
10535 JZ-500 27G1.5 19.0 389.0 670.0 16
10111 JZ-500 32G1.5 19.5 461.0 790.0 16
10112 JZ-500 34G1.5 20.2 490.0 830.0 16
10536 JZ-500 37G1.5 20.2 533.0 892.0 16
10113 JZ-500 41G1.5 21.8 591.0 996.0 16
10114 JZ-500 42G1.5 21.8 605.0 1007.0 16
10115 JZ-500 50G1.5 24.2 720.0 1250.0 16
10116 JZ-500 56G1.5 24.9 806.0 1332.0 16
10117 JZ-500 61G1.5 25.8 878.0 1440.0 16
10187 JZ-500 65G1.5 26.7 936.0 1602.0 16
10118 JZ-500 80G1.5 29.8 1152.0 1871.0 16
10119 JZ-500 100G1.5 33.2 1440.0 2353.0 16
10120 JZ-500 2x2.5 7.8 48.0 112.0 14
10121 JZ-500 3G2.5 8.3 72.0 148.0 14
10122 JZ-500 3x2.5 8.3 72.0 148.0 14
10123 JZ-500 4G2.5 9.2 96.0 178.0 14
10124 JZ-500 4x2.5 9.2 96.0 178.0 14
10125 JZ-500 5G2.5 10.1 120.0 221.0 14
10126 JZ-500 5x2.5 10.1 120.0 221.0 14
10127 JZ-500 7G2.5 11.2 168.0 306.0 14
10128 JZ-500 7x2.5 11.2 168.0 306.0 14
10129 JZ-500 8G2.5 12.3 192.0 363.0 14
10130 JZ-500 12G2.5 14.8 288.0 498.0 14
10131 JZ-500 14G2.5 16.0 336.0 569.0 14
10132 JZ-500 18G2.5 18.2 432.0 764.0 14
10133 JZ-500 21G2.5 19.1 504.0 914.0 14
10134 JZ-500 25G2.5 21.6 600.0 1044.0 14
10135 JZ-500 34G2.5 25.0 816.0 1470.0 14
10136 JZ-500 42G2.5 27.2 1008.0 1790.0 14
10137 JZ-500 50G2.5 30.0 1200.0 2095.0 14
10138 JZ-500 61G2.5 32.0 1464.0 2750.0 14
10139 JZ-500 100G2.5 41.4 2400.0 4450.0 14
10140 JZ-500 2x4  9.3 77.0 195.0 12
10141 JZ-500 3G4 9.8 115.0 230.0 12
10142 JZ-500 4G4 11 154.0 295.0 12
10143 JZ-500 5G4 12.3 192.0 361.0 12
10144 JZ-500 7G4 13.6 269.0 458.0 12
10145 JZ-500 8G4 14.6 307.0 590.0 12
10146 JZ-500 12G4 17.8 461.0 790.0 12
10147 JZ-500 3G6  11.9 173.0 355.0 10
10148 JZ-500 4G6 13.0 230.0 424.0 10
10149 JZ-500 5G6 14.5 288.0 525.0 10
10150 JZ-500 7G6 16.2 403.0 625.0 10
10151 JZ-500 3G10  14.8 288.0 540.0 8
10152 JZ-500 4G10 16.4 384.0 701.0 8
10153 JZ-500 5G10 18.3 480.0 858.0 8
10154 JZ-500 7G10 20.2 672.0 1106.0 8
10190 JZ-500 3G16  18.2 461.0 827.0 6
10155 JZ-500 4G16 20.0 614.0 1035.0 6
10156 JZ-500 5G16 22.6 768.0 1259.0 6
10157 JZ-500 7G16 24.8 1075.0 1780.0 6
10191 JZ-500 3G25  22.2 720.0 1186.0 4
10158 JZ-500 4G25 24.9 960.0 1582.0 4
10159 JZ-500 5G25 27.7 1200.0 1999.0 4
10160 JZ-500 7G25 30.6 1680.0 2825.0 4
10192 JZ-500 3x35  25.6 1008.0 1585.0 2
10161 JB-500 4G35 28.4 1344.0 2105.0 2
10162 JB-500 5G35 31.7 1680.0 2633.0 2
10193 JB-500 3G50  30.9 1440.0 2550.0 1
10163 JB-500 4G50 34.2 1920.0 2940.0 1
10188 JB-500 5G50 38.3 2400.0 2936.0 1
10194 JB-500 3G70  36.5 2016.0 3180.0 2/0
10164 JB-500 4G70 40.3 2688.0 4090.0 2/0
10189 JB-500 5G70 45.3 3360.0 5443.0 2/0
10195 JB-500 3G95  41.1 2736.0 4680.0 3/0
10165 JB-500 4G95 45.8 3648.0 5540.0 3/0
10333 JB-500 5G95 52.7 4560.0 6931.0 3/0
10166 JB-500 4G120  51.4 4608.0 7000.0 4/0
13139 JB-500 4G150  58.5 5760.0 8340.0 300 kcmil
13140 JB-500 4G185  61.1 7104.0 9904.0 350 kcmil
Technical Data European
  • Control cables, special PVC
  • Requirements adapted to DIN VDE 0245,
    0281, 0293, 0295
  • Temperature Range
    -5�C to +80�C (+23�F to +176�F)
    Fixed Installation
    -40�C to +80�C (-40�F to +176�F)
  • Nominal Voltage U0/U 300/500 V
  • Test Voltage 4000 V
  • Breakdown Voltage min. 8000 V
  • Insulation Resistance
    Min. 20 MOhm x km
  • Minimum Bending Radius
    Flexing 7.5x cable �
    Fixed installation 4x cable �
  • Radiation Resistance
    Up to 80x106 cJ/kg (up to 80 Mrad)
Cable Construction  
  • Bare copper, fine wire conductors according to DIN VDE 0295 cl. 5, BS 6360 cl. 5 and IEC 60228 cl. 5
  • Conductor insulation of special PVC Z 7225
  • Black conductors with continuous white numbering according to DIN VDE 0293 (also available with other conductor colors)
  • Green-yellow grounding in the outer layer (3 conductors and above)
  • Conductors stranded in layers with optimal lay-length
  • Outer jacket of special PVC, TM2 to DIN VDE 0281 part 1 and HD 21.1
  • color: gray (RAL 7001)
These cables are used for flexible use for medium mechanical stresses with free movement without tensile stress or forced movements in dry, moist and wet rooms but not suitable for open air, as measuring and control cables in tool machines, conveyor belts, production lines in machinery production, in air-conditioning and in steel production.
The grounding is laid in the outer layer. Selected PVC-compounds guarantee a good flexibility as well as an economic and fast installation.
CE Approval = The product is conformed with the EC Low-Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/EEC.
  • Extensively oil resistant
  • For Chemical Resistance, see table Technical Information
  • PVC self-extinguishing and flame retardant according to DIN VDE 0482-332-1-2, DIN EN 60332-1-2 / IEC 60332-1 (equivalent DIN VDE 0472 part 804 test method B)
  • The materials used in manufacture are cadmium-free, contain no silicone and are free from substances harmful to the wetting properties of lacquers
  • G = with green-yellow ground conductor
    x = without green-yellow grounding (OZ)
  • Important for assemblers: We supply any "desired length" of stranded conductors without outer jacket, conductor insulation color acc. to RAL 9005 with number combination acc. to customers requirement.
  • Different dimensions are also available with red or blue conductors. Color coded version available starting from 35 mm�.
  • European-JB
  • For shielded version see type European F-CY-JZ
  • AWG sizes are approximate equivalent values. The actual cross-section is in mm�.
  • Please note the clean room qualification when ordering.
Cable Accessories  
  • Coming Soon!
Cable Technical Data Construction and ApplicationProperties and Note Accessories
Items For Quote


Sealcon is the Exclusive Importer of HUMMEL products. We offer over 6,000 different Types and Sizes of RoHS Compliant Liquid Tight Strain Relief Fittings, Cord Grips, Cable Glands, Circular Connectors, Conduit System, Industrial Enclosures and Other Related Cable Management Products which are rated the best in the industry.
Liquid Tight Strain Relief, Cord Grips, Cable Gland FittingsLiquid Tight Strain Relief Fittings, Cord Grips, Cable Glands
Threads: PG, NPT, Metric, BSPP Threads
Materials: Nylon, Nickel Plated Brass, PVDF (for chemicals and extreme temperatures) & Stainless Steel, NEMA 4x and 6 (IP68, IP 69K).
Approvals: RoHS, Deca BDE, UR, UL, CE, CSA, VDE, German Lloyd, etc.
UL f1 (UL 746C) - Suitable for outdoor use with respect to exposure to ultraviolet light, water exposure and immersion in accordance with UL 746C
Circular ConnectorsCircular Connectors (M16, M23, RJ45, M27 and M40)
Sizes: M16 Signal, M23 Signal & Power, M27 Signal, M40 Power, M12/16 Twintus
Types: Twintus, RJ45 Industrial Ethernet, PoE Fast Ethernet, Push-Pull, Stainless Steel, Over Molded Cordsets, Standard/EMI Ready
Configurations: Signal (3-28 pole) & Power (6 & 8 pole)
Materials: Nickel Plated Brass, Stainless Steel and Aluminum
Approvals: RoHS, Deca BDE, UR, UL, CSA, TÜV, etc.
Hummel EnclosuresIndustrial Enclosures (Plastic & Metal)
Materials: Polycarbonate, ABS (Acryl-Butadiene-Styrene), Aluminum, Steel/Stainless Steel and Polyester.
Types: Gray or Transparent Lids, available with Hinges and Latches, Plain Walls or Knockouts.
Approvals: RoHS, Deca BDE, UL, CSA, TUV and CE. Modular, Expandable, UV and Impact Resistant, NEMA 4, 4x (IP 66/67). Solar Plus for Photovoltaic applications.
Our Enclosures can be equipped with Strain Relief Fittings, Circular Connectors or Conduit Fittings. Other customization options like cutting & drilling are also available.
Conduit SystemConduit System
High Pull-Out Resistance, Robust Performance, Long Life Expectancy, Fastest/ Easy installation, No Tools required!
Push-In, Turn-to-Seal, Snapclic DUO (Nylon or Nickel Plated Brass), Double-Seal, Flange/Bulkhead
Standard and Super Flex Corrugated Conduit
Accessories: Snap-In Mounting Brackets. NEMA 4 (IP 54/65)
Approvals: RoHS, Deca BDE, UR, German Lloyd, CE, etc.
Hazardous Location / Explosive Proof Cord Grips, Cable GlandsHazardous Location / Explosive Proof Cord Grips, Cable Glands
These fittings are labeled and approved to withstand the required needs of a combustible environment.
Materials: Nylon, Nickel Plated Brass, PVDF (chemical resistant & extreme temperatures), Stainless Steel.
Threads: NPT, Metric & PG. NEMA 4x (IP 67) and 6 (IP 68/69K)
RoHS, Deca BDE, UL, CSA, VDE, CE, EEx e, ATEX, German Lloyd, IECEx,
Ex-d/Ex-e, Ex-i
EXIOS - High-end Cable Glands for armored cables in hazardous areas including the latest IECEx and ATEX certifications, for use in Ex-e, Ex-d and Ex-tD areas
Adapters, Enlargers, ReducersThread Adapters, Enlargers, Reducers
Convert, Increase or Decrease your thread size with our newest product line of Adapters, Enlargers and Reducers.
Threads: NPT, Metric and PG.
Materials: Black or Gray Nylon, Nickel Plated Brass, Aluminum, Stainless Steel.
Approvals: RoHS, Deca BDE, CE, EEe x, ATEX, etc.
Hazardous / Explosive proof versions available.
Cable AccessoriesCable Accessories
Locking Nuts:Black & Gray Nylon, Nickel Plated Brass, Zinc Plated Steel, EMI (w/ Cutting Edges)
O-Rings: Buna-N, Viton®, Silicone
Seal Rings: Polyethylene / Fiber-reinforced Plastic
Hole Plugs: Dome, Hex, Nylon, Nickel Plated Brass
Inserts: Standard, Reduced, Multi-Hole, Romex®
Other Accessories: Ratchet & Socket Wrenches, Cable Clamps, etc.
7374 S. Eagle Street
Centennial, CO 80112-4221 USA
Toll Free: 800-456-9012 / 303-699-1135 FAX: 303-680-5344
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